Last week in Episode 44, we returned to Joseph and the schemes of his brothers. We compared Reuben’s ‘sacrificial economics’ to that of his brothers, discussed Reuben and Judah’s motivations for their violence against Joseph, and sat with the gravity of Jacob’s mourning over Joseph’s ‘death’.
This week in Episode 45, we walk through the seemingly out-of-place- interlude where Judah does wrong by Tamar and offer an analysis of Judah’s comeuppance. We see how Judah’s story is a truncated version of the longer penitential narratives found throughout the Hebrew Bible.
Episode 45 teaser:
Until next time!
If you are interested in digging deeper on your own, here are a few resources:
Ancient Christian reading practices:
Biblical Exegesis and the Formation of Christian Culture
Medieval exegesis:
Medieval Exegesis: The Four Senses of Scripture, Vol. 1
Medieval Exegesis : The Four Senses of Scripture, Vol. 2
Second Temple Judaism:
Two Gods in Heaven: Jewish Concepts of God in Antiquity
Torah with Rabbinic Commentary:
Bereishis Genesis, Part I and II, ArtScroll Tanach Series, Translation with Commentary
Canaanite Myth and Hebrew Epic: Essays in the History of the Religion of Israel
Literary approach:
René Girard